MAXMEYER® Antistatic Agent Application

Watch here for best practice application process for MaxMeyer Plastic Repair

MAXMEYER® Plastiprimer Application

Watch here for best practice application process for MaxMeyer Plastic Repair

MAXMEYER® Plastic Cleaning before plastic priming

Watch here for best practice application process for MaxMeyer Plastic Repair

MAXMEYER® Multigrey Extra Primer Filler Application

Roberlo Multyfiller Express Fast Drying Primer Application

High solid contents HS 4:1 acrylic filler. Excellent balance between covering and fast drying. This video enables you to quickly see the advantages of the product and to learn about some of the usage recommendations, thus enabling applications by technicians to be optimised. This demonstration is given by the Roberlo technical team who also monitored the educational quality of the final content.


MAXMEYER® Fast Multigrey Primer Filler Application

Basic Assumptions – Must read

From start to finish, a guide on basics that must be covered when repairing and painting.

PPG Industries Automotive Refinish group makes these assumptions based on accepted industry practices,
our knowledge, past experience and feedback from our employees and customers. These assumptions are
intended to be used by collision repairers for reference and support documentation to promote a better
understanding of the refinishing process to their customers.


Norton Best Practice – Masking

Peter Klutt, host of Dream Car Garage, shows the best ways to protect a vehicle during the painting process with Norton masking products.





MaxMeyer MultiGrey Concept

The MaxMeyer MultiGrey system is a range of grey shades available in the MaxMeyer Primer System, designed to allow you to use the correct grey shade for the colour including MultiGrey filler and wet on wet primer.
The system has been developed to incorporate a range of five shades of grey suitable for use under all covers that can be achieved from just three products white, grey and dark grey. Please click the picture below to read the full guide and use the multigrey identification tool.





Etch Primer – The key to a great repair

MaxMeyer TechTalk on Etch primer, understanding why an etch primer should be used. Click the picture below to read the full article.





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