When And How To Blend Car Paint – SINNEK
In bodywork repainting, the blending technique consists in applying colour to certain areas of the parts that are adjacent to the repair, degrading the amount of paint to apply from more to less, through a smooth transition. Today, the wide diversity of shades and effects existing on the market and the extensive range of colours offered by manufacturers (many of them with their own pigments and tolerances of the original colours) make the task of colour matching the bodywork very difficult. The professional painter may have prepared the intermediate coat perfectly and correctly applied the colour in terms of extensibility and uniformity, but all the effort and work invested will have been in vain if a good colour matching is not achieved. Fortunately, body work and paint shop professionals use certain techniques, such as colour blending, to help minimise colour differences in the eyes of customers, obtaining optimum colour matching, integration and adjustment. With this video you will learn how to blend car paint in a correct and easy way.